
Energize with AEP Energy

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How to Approach Solving Your Sustainability Goals

Energy Management

Sustainability is no longer a trending organization objective or goal, but an integral part of most core business strategies. However, competencies are still being developed and best practices are just beginning to emerge. It can be challenging to find the best framework to implement sustainable practices while exploring new technologies and continuing to meet business …

Four Things to Consider Before Taking on a Solar Project on Your Own


Solar is becoming an increasingly popular option for businesses wishing to increase their sustainability and resiliency through the installation of a solar array on their property. The rapid growth is driven, in part, by the impression that solar is “easy” which has led many businesses to the conclusion that installing, owning, and operating their system …

It’s Possible: Reliable Onsite Power that Helps Reach your Decarbonization Goals


The energy industry is experiencing significant changes and challenges impacting reliability of power. Increased frequency of severe weather events, the retirement of large, central-sited baseload fossil-burning generation facilities, increasing levels of intermittent renewable resources, and changes in the energy policy at the state and federal level are all driving changes in the energy landscape. Many …

Why an Effective Cost Management Strategy is Important for Your Business

Cost Management

Energy cost is a considerable part of any organization’s operating budget – and an important one to get right. However, some businesses with abundant electric and natural gas accounts across many regions and utilities find that cost management is challenging and best practices are difficult to implement. For some, effective cost management results in administrative …

What you need to know about the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Energy Policy

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, not to be confused with an Individual Retirement Account, is a bill passed that aims to reduce the deficit, lower prescription drug costs, and invest in domestic energy production while promoting clean energy solutions. The Inflation Reduction Act or IRA modifies, extends and creates a variety of tax credits …

Solar Options: Which One is Right for Your Business?


With the billions of dollars of incentives for renewable energy in the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act, you may be looking to learn about the advantages of solar energy or at least to get a refresher. Very simply, solar cells convert radiation from the sun into electricity.  However, how and where the solar cells are …

2022 Energy Overview: What’s Changed and What’s Ahead

Energy Markets

Some may refer to the year 2022 as the “year of tumult” for energy markets. With unprecedented high natural gas pricing and volatility, including a run-up not seen since 2007-2008, the natural gas market is finally retreating from a 14-year high of approximately $10/MMBtu, currently at around $5/MMBtu (See Exhibit A). Similarly, U.S. power forward …

Battery Energy Storage Systems


As we enjoy the early fall weather – especially for those in the north – do you ever wish you could ‘bottle up’ a few warm sunny days and save them for the colder winter months?  Throughout history, people have stored resources during plentiful times to use during times of scarcity.  Electricity is a valuable …