
Energize with AEP Energy

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Best Practices in Energy Management: Four Mistakes People Make (and How to Avoid Them)


In this edition of Customer Insights, we’ll discuss some of the most common mistakes organizations make managing their energy spend, and how you can learn to elevate your energy management performance. Four Areas Energy Users Make Mistakes Usage and spend tracking Energy supply contact management Oversimplying Employing piecemeal approaches Usage and Spend Tracking When it …

Risks and Costs to Consider with Unplanned Power Outages


Power outages may not have been something that you or your organization have thought too much about. However, recent headlines about record heat driving record power consumption in parts of the U.S. may make you start to think about outages a little bit more. Even this May during a U.S. Senate hearing, Federal Energy Regulatory …

How to Approach Solving Your Sustainability Goals


Sustainability is no longer a trending organization objective or goal, but an integral part of most core business strategies. However, competencies are still being developed and best practices are just beginning to emerge. It can be challenging to find the best framework to implement sustainable practices while exploring new technologies and continuing to meet business …

Your Energy Journey Starts with Total Energy Management


Every organization, regardless of size or function, is significantly impacted by how they source and use energy for their operations. From optimizing energy procurement strategies and controlling costs, to meeting ever-growing stakeholder demands for efficiency and sustainability, implementing the best solution to meet your unique needs and goals presents a variety of complex challenges. First …

An Integrated, Holistic Approach Addresses New Needs For Customers


Integrated energy services solutions are poised to address emerging commercial and industrial customer needs by evaluating and assessing opportunities in different domains through a total energy management approach. Today, many commercial and industrial facilities, as well as energy and sustainability managers, face a variety of new energy and sustainability management options and demands. The variety …

Energy Load Management: How to understand the value and strategies of managing your load to benefit your business.


In our previous issue of Customer Insights, we introduced the concept of selecting the right energy product by understanding your energy data and working with our experienced sales team. Energy data tools provide a lot of information about how your business uses electricity. However, taking this knowledge a step further provides critical information that can …