An Integrated, Holistic Approach Addresses New Needs For Customers

Integrated energy services solutions are poised to address emerging commercial and industrial customer needs by evaluating and assessing opportunities in different domains through a total energy management approach.

Today, many commercial and industrial facilities, as well as energy and sustainability managers, face a variety of new energy and sustainability management options and demands. The variety and complexity of these options and demands can be daunting. Faced with this complexity, many managers may choose to segment activities so that tasks can be arranged, completed and tracked in manageable chunks.

For instance, a manager may hire a consultant or broker to secure energy procurement bids and another consultant (or a separate division of same consultant) to run renewable procurement solicitations. The manager may have an internal program for usage data analytics and may operate efficiency projects at selected locations. Businesses may also determine that facilities could gain from efficiency projects being implemented, but funding is not available.

The organization may participate in one or more demand or load response programs. There may or may not be efforts to analyze utility rates. There may or may not be prioritization programs in place. It is unlikely that there is coordination across all of these domains – commodity sourcing, sustainability and renewables, energy efficiency and technology, demand response, utility rates and more.

At AEP Energy, we know there’s a better way.

Our new approach:

We propose an integrated, cross-domain approach for energy management for your organization. We call this Total Energy Management. Under this approach, all domains are considered together through a unified process of landscape assessment, opportunity assessment, strategy development, project execution and program management.

Such an approach ensures that actions you take are well coordinated. For instance, we’ll plan your commodity product specifications and review utility rate elections so that both are well aligned with energy technology, efficiency and load optimization opportunities. This is also a good time to consider what renewable energy strategies are available and how AEP Energy can coordinate those with commodity options, utility options and constraints to help you achieve your energy procurement goals.

AEP Energy’s Total Energy Management approach also ensures that efforts are prioritized effectively. This approach allows visibility into value available across all domains to develop a strategy that allows the best combination and order of execution given the value available.

Finally, this approach ensures accountability and allows for feedback, learning and correction, as program standards, assessment and improvement mechanisms are included together as a primary feature.

Total Energy Management defined

We believe our Total Energy Management approach transcends traditional, specialized and compartmentalized approaches. Let’s look at each of the domains of Total Energy Management and the array of insights and solutions behind each one.

Our experience

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Electric Power, AEP Energy’s Total Energy Management approach is grounded in the viewpoint and capabilities of a true leader in the U.S. power utility sector. We have a proven track record of implementing integrated energy solutions for over 100 years.

Interested in learning more?

AEP Energy is excited to get your business on a new path to an integrated, holistic approach. To learn more about Total Energy Management, click HERE. If you are already working with an AEP Energy sales representative, they will happily provide more information about this approach.

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