Energy Efficient HVAC Tips

We use a significant amount of energy staying comfortable indoors. In fact, approximately 43 percent of the average energy bill is attributed to heating and cooling. To reduce your energy and cash spend, it’s important to run and maintain your heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) efficiently. Here are six tips to help you achieve HVAC efficiency:

  1. System Maintenance – The first and most important thing you can do to make your HVAC system more efficient is to hire regular inspections and maintenance. Heating and air conditioning service and repair service can help you improve the efficiency of the entire system. Experts can spot and repair problems that may be making your system less efficient.
  2. Upgrade or Control Your Thermostat – A smart thermostat can be set to your desired temperature settings and will communicate clearly with the heating and cooling units, resulting in more efficient work. Also, you can adjust them to maintain a more comfortable temperature while you’re at home and raise or lower to use less energy while you’re away or even asleep. This can save a tremendous amount of energy.
  3. Replace Fuses – The fuses in your HVAC system have a temporary lifespan. Your unit is meant to last much longer than its fuses do, so replacing them every few months is a common necessity. Consider having a central heating and air conditioning repair service check and, if necessary, replace your fuses. Unless you are an HVAC professional, do not try to replace them yourself, to avoid injury or disrupt the power supply.
  4. Clean the Filters – Clean and replace your filters regularly to improve your system’s efficiency by up to 15 percent. You can hire an air conditioning repair service if you are not comfortable doing it yourself.
  5. Remove Obstructions – Heating and air conditioning units should be clear of all obstructions to ensure proper air flow. Keep plants and other objects away from the system so it can work more efficiently. You may want to hire heating and air conditioning repair to check for obstructions in the unit itself, like pest nests, clumps of dust, etc.
  6. Do a Little of the Work to Support the System – You can help prevent your HVAC system from doing all of the temperature control work itself.
    • To create cooler temperatures inside, use shades or window treatments to keep sunlight out. If it’s possible, consider planting a shade tree nearby. For personal comfort with less strain on your unit, stay hydrated, and turn on your ceiling fans while you sleep.
    • To create warmer temperatures, wear warm clothing indoors and let some sunlight in. Reverse the flow of your ceiling fan to the clockwise direction which will pull air up and help push rising warm air back down.

If you’re looking to replace your current HVAC system, you can find the latest high efficiency-rated systems on the ENERGY STAR website. ENERGY STAR is a government program focused on energy efficiency. Efficient solutions are delivered in partnership between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state, local, utility, commercial, and industrial organizations. The program has been in place since 1992, achieving 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and saving over $450 billion in energy costs as of 2021. The most efficient models are rated on an annual basis. Energy efficient systems are ranked on many websites, while your local HVAC contractor can guide you as well.

Did you know you can shop AEP Energy Reward Store for a host of energy-efficient products including air filters and smart thermostats? You don’t have to be an AEP Energy customer to take advantage of Reward Store, but if you’re enrolled with AEP Energy, you may have Reward Dollars available to redeem. If you’re interested in enrolling to earn Reward Dollars, check out what AEP Energy has to offer in your neighborhood here.

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