
Energize with AEP Energy

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Stay Safe in Warm Weather


Summer temperatures have reached their peak and it doesn’t look like they will be cooling down any time soon. We’ve created a list of important information and helpful tips to guide you through the summer heat. Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water and avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. Watch for symptoms – The National …

What to Do During a Power Outage


Power outages can be frustrating and scary, but don’t hesitate. Contact your local utility immediately to report your outage. Remember, AEP Energy only supplies the generation portion of your bill. Your local utility is responsible for the delivery of the power and maintenance during outages. Outages are sometimes unexpected and often caused by weather conditions. …

Shopping for Natural Gas Made Easy


When you shop, do you take time to compare prices between different brands or stores? If you’re already comparing the price of your new shoes or researching which store has the best deal on milk, why not compare natural gas supply prices? Public Utility Commission sites like Energy Choice Ohio make comparing rates easy. You …

Summer Energy Savings


As the seasons change, so can your utility bills. Chances are you’ll be using more energy to keep your home cool this summer. Air conditioners, window units, and fans can keep you cool, but how can you keep your utility bills from heating up? Take advantage of your blinds: Lower your blinds and pull your …

Make Every Day Earth Day


Earth Day comes once a year, but you can make every day Earth Day when you make going green part of your daily routine. Community Service: Get involved in the community! Clean up a local stream or park to help keep your community and the environment clean and beautiful. You can also get involved with …

7 Spring Cleaning and Maintenance Tips


The weather is breaking and warmer days are approaching. You may be anxious to get outdoors and get your hands dirty or remove the winter blues from your home. Here are 7 ways to help clean up and maintain your living space indoors and outdoors. Outdoors: Give your lawn mower a thorough tune up. Change …

Go Green to Help Protect Energy Costs and the Environment


More and more people are going green in their everyday lives. American families are saving more than $62 billion a year just by using more energy efficient appliances and other household equipment1. With green living becoming more prevalent, it’s important to know you have an opportunity to expand your green living into your home and …

Use Energy Supply Rate Comparison Websites to Save


If you live in a deregulated state, you have the ability to shop and compare electricity supply prices and select a supplier. Websites like Energy Choice Ohio and PA Power Switch make comparing energy supply rates easy. How does it work? You have the ability to compare electric and/or gas rates as it applies to your …

Energy Supplier vs. Utility: What’s the difference?


What’s electric choice? Most residents and businesses in deregulated states have the ability to shop and compare electricity supply prices before selecting a supplier. Customers in the states listed below can purchase electric supply services from an energy supplier such as AEP Energy. When you choose a plan with AEP Energy you’re choosing the cost …