Breathe Easier: Improving Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

Maintaining good indoor air quality is extremely important when it comes to your health and well-being.

Your indoor air quality tends to worsen during the cold winter months due to lack of fresh air flow from the outside. This can cause many issues for people who have allergies or respiratory problems. Levels of air pollutants in your home may be up to 100 times higher than outdoor pollutants which could affect your health even more. Unexplained respiratory symptoms and other health impacts like pneumonia, asthma, allergies and more can be caused by indoor air pollution.

While you cannot eliminate every allergen, you may be able to reduce the exposure in your home which can improve your health and well-being. Here are a few easy tips you and simple steps you can follow simple to make sure the air you’re breathing in your home is fresh and free of pollutants:

  1. Ventilate when possible. Opening windows and doors is an excellent way to let fresh outdoor air in. Also, regularly changing out filters and getting HVAC system checked, cleaning air ducts, and checking and changing appliances according to instructions.
  2. Check on your heating systems. Fireplaces and wood burning stoves, old furnaces, gas fueled appliances, can release harmful particles into the air including carbon monoxide. Solar and electric heating options could keep your indoor air much cleaner.
  3. Control your home’s humidity level. Using a humidifier to distribute moisture into the air can help prevent dry throats and nasal passages, control dust mites and reduce static electricity.
  4. Use an air purifier. Think about getting an air purifier with HEPA filters. This can help remove particles. If you have a larger home, it may be helpful to buy more than one purifier. You may want to consider an air filter to reduce mold spores, allergens, smoke and more. You can also test your air quality with a DIY kit or professional.
  5. Eliminate radon. This is a natural radioactive gas that can come into your home leading to health problems including lung cancer. There are home test kits available to check for high levels in your home.
  6. Limit smoking indoors. Secondhand smoke refers to exhaled cigarette smoke. Thirdhand smoke can be found on clothes and furniture that may absorb it. Try to avoid smoking indoors or minimize the habit.
  7. Check your cleaning products. Some cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can linger including air fresheners, bleach, glass cleaners and other sprays. Try using safer, nontoxic products to keep your home clean.
  8. Control allergens. Dust, mold, dust mites, pet dander and more can be found in your home. Eliminate these by brushing and bathing your animals regularly, washing bedding twice a month, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning and more.
  9. Reduce dampness. Dampness in indoor spaces can lead to many health issues including respiratory symptoms, coughing, wheezing, and mold growth. You can reduce dampness in your home by using a dehumidifier, using a fan, or opening a window when areas are steamy, and by eliminating areas of pooling water or moisture in your home.

A variety of factors can impact the air quality in your living space and can contribute to various health problems. Testing your indoor air quality is important and can help you decide on next steps to prevent or reduce pollutants. AEP Energy is dedicated to helping customers breathe easier. Check out AEP Energy Reward Store to find products to help improve your indoor air quality.


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