A Straightforward Solution for Renewable Energy

Is finding a renewable energy solution on your business’ list of New Year’s resolutions? Sustainability is increasingly top-of-mind for many customers and employees. But between the many responsibilities of small business owners and leaders, dedicating time to figuring out how to achieve your sustainability goals can get lost in the shuffle. AEP Energy can help.
AEP Energy is proud to offer a renewable energy plan that takes the guesswork out of sustainability. Our ECO-Advantage plan allows you to match renewable energy with your business’ energy supply. Simply put, you can enjoy all the benefits of a traditional energy supply plan, like a fixed rate and flexible term lengths, with the added benefit of sustainability.

Our ECO-Advantage plan allows you to choose what percentage of your energy supply is matched with renewable energy – whether that’s 25% or 100% – by utilizing Green-e® Energy certified Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). A REC is the environmental attribute associated with the generation of one megawatt of renewable energy. Green-e is the nation’s leading independent certification and verification program for renewable energy. Our partnership ensures that our renewable energy plan meets the highest environmental and consumer protection standards. By purchasing a REC-based plan, you are ensuring that renewable energy is added to the electricity grid without the cost or time commitment required of other green energy options.

Renewable energy doesn’t have to be complicated. Our straightforward ECO-Advantage plan can help you meet your sustainability goals in 2022. To speak with one of our Small Business Energy Consultants about this plan, click here. If you are a current customer and would like to discuss your renewal options, please call your Account Management Team at 1-888-924-7111.

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