How to Protect Your Energy Costs During Times of Uncertainty

As your trusted energy partner, AEP Energy is committed to doing what we can to protect your business from budget uncertainty, which includes helping you control your business’ energy costs. This blog offers a few simple tips to help you manage your energy spend.

  • Secure a fixed price for your business’ energy supply. Locking in a stable, secure energy rate protects you from fluctuating energy costs due to weather, market changes and more. With AEP Energy’s fixed price plan, your energy rate is fixed for the duration of your agreement, offering budget stability and peace of mind.
  • Manage your energy usage. Even with a fixed price plan, it’s important to be conscious of how much energy your business uses and when. Your business’ energy consumption is multiplied by your energy rate (plus a few other fees) to make up your monthly energy fees, which is why managing your energy use can help you lower your energy costs. This is particularly true during periods of high use, such as hot or cold days. Avoiding using all of your lights, appliances and machines at the same time can also help lower your consumption and energy costs.
  • Select the term limit that meets your needs. AEP Energy offers flexibility when it comes to the duration of your contract with us. Whether it’s six months or three years, it’s important to select a term length that meets your business’ needs. Selecting a short-term contract offers flexibility in case your business needs change. A longer-term contract ensures a greater degree of security now and into the future.

AEP Energy is committed to being your trusted energy supplier and to helping you navigate your business’ energy needs. If you’d like to learn more about how our Small Business Energy Consultants can help you increase your business’ budget stability, click here. If you are a current customer and would like to discuss your renewal options, please call your Account Management Team at 1-888-924-7111.

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