
Energize with AEP Energy

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Basic Hedging Strategies – Best Practices You Should Know


How much of my future energy requirements should I hedge forward? When is the right time to make these hedges? Which product structures should I employ to best manage my energy costs and risks? All energy buyers face these questions when developing and implementing the strategies to meet their organizations’ energy purchasing objectives: long-term cost …

Ancillary Services – Understanding the Basics


September 2017 Edition: Ancillary Services – Understanding the Basics  Have you ever heard the words “ancillary services” referred to in the electric industry and wondered just what does this mean?  Read about the most expensive and significant of these services to help give you a better understanding of what is included in these cost components …

What's The Difference Between An Index And Firm Energy Plan?


July 2016 Edition: Selecting the right energy supply plan for your business may be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. While there are a variety of products to choose from, it’s important to understand how each one works so you select the one that is most aligned with your business goals. We’ll walk …